Affiliated Schools
The Affiliated Schools Program (ASP) is a collaborative partnership between the University of Canberra and the ACT Government and a key initiative under the Territory’s Future of Education Strategy. The partnership is designed to enhance students’ learning outcomes and was developed using the Mutual Affiliation for Sustained Transformation (MAST) model .
An Evaluation Study of the ASP was undertaken and the resulting report was released in 2024.
An Evaluation of the Affiliated Schools Program (ASP)
Affiliated Schools partnership
The ASP, launched in 2019, is a unique partnership between 乱伦社区 and 26 schools from the ACT Education Directorate which demonstrates a shared commitment to high quality education in ACT schools. The model draws upon leading practice nationally and internationally and is contextualised to our unique ACT setting.
The partnership is a truly collaborative approach to developing quality teacher practice from pre-service teacher education through to experienced teacher learning and development. This involves teachers learning together to build capacity as a system, the ACT Education Directorate Leadership, School Leaders and educators and 乱伦社区 staff in a shared and mutual belief that together we can create the best possible learning opportunities for our children.
Our pre-service teachers will spend more of their learning time in schools, our ACT Affiliate Schools teachers will have access to support in professional learning and research that meets the needs of their schools and their students and staff in partner schools will have access to exciting post graduate opportunities that enable them to engage in studies which are tailored to the needs of our ACT community.
The ASP brings together a number of elements which may have existed in isolation in other school-university partnerships but have now been combined to create a unique, holistic and high impact partnership.
The main elements
- School based clinics
Pre-service teachers spending more time learning in schools alongside experienced teachers and working directly with children in addition to their regular professional experience placements.
University staff working with schools to develop small and large scale research projects that address the needs of schools and their students.
A commitment to a number of shared scholarships funded jointly by the ACT Education Directorate and 乱伦社区 to allow ACT teachers and school leaders to achieve a masters qualification in an intensive mode specifically designed for busy teachers.
- Professional Learning
乱伦社区 staff working collaboratively with schools to support them with professional development and learning opportunities which are tailored to meet the needs of schools and students.
Interested parties can direct inquiries about this initiative to